Homona coffearia is important pest insects on community of mangrove Aegiceras corniculatum, in the part field of mangroves in Guangdong, the pests had already seriously harmed on A. corniculatum, and harmed on Kandelia obovata. In A. corniculatum, H. coffearia can complete 6 generations in one year, they live through the winter with the middle-larva, the period from the first generation to fifth generation need 38 - 58 d, the period of living through the winter needs 130 - 137 d . On the community ofA. corniculatum, the larvae harm twigs, leaves, anthotaxy or fruits, on the community A. corniculatum + K. obovata, the larvae harm twigs, and tender leaves of K. obovata. On the community of A. corniculatum, during May and between the first ten days of September and of October, there are two high periods of amounts of harmed twigs and harmed leaves, the numbers of H. coffearia is positively related to the numbers of harmed twigs and leaves. On A. corniculatum community, there are two high periods of breaking up of pests in one year: the autumn and the spring, but the number of pests in autumn is 29% of in spring. In forests, the number of predaceous spiders is less, the proportion of number of H. coffearia and spiders isl: 0.33.
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province
mangrove, Aegiceras corniculatum, Kandelia obovata, Homona coffearia