介绍了我国电站锅炉向大容量、高参数发展趋势和对新型管材的要求,以及宝钢T23,T91,T92高压锅炉管新产品研制情况。经评定表明,宝钢T23,T91,T92各项技术指标和性能均符合ASME SA—213标准要求,可以替代进口产品,适合制造超超临界电站锅炉。同时,为了满足超超临界电站锅炉屏式过热器、高温过热器、高温再热器关键材料国产化的要求,宝钢又开展了S30432(Super304H)及TP310HNbN(HR3C)钢的研制,并可在近期提供给锅炉行业,以满足锅炉行业制造超超临界电站锅炉的需求。
The development trend that boilers in thermal power stations in China turn to great capacity with high steam parameters is introduced. The demand for new high-pressure boiler tubes and the development of T23,391 and T92 high-pressure boiler tubes by Baosteel are described. These products have been evaluated and the results show that their technical parameters and properties are all satisfied with the ASME SA-213 standard, and can substitute for the imported products and are suitable to be used to make ultra supercritical boilers. At the same time, in order to meet the demand of localization of the key materials for the boiler platen superheater, high-temperature superheater and high-temperature reheater used in the uhra-supercritical power plants, Baosteel has started the research on steel S30432 (Super304H) and steel TP310HNbN(HR3C). The two steels can be soon supplied to the boiler industry, to meet their material requirement for uhra-supercritical power plant boilers.
Baosteel Technology