云南南部山区农业可持续发展的模式是多样化的,但保证粮食安全的要求是一致的。孟连县芒糯自然村是一个典型的山区农业村,全村没有任何水田,粮食生产主要以陆稻和玉米的二元种植结构为主。在对芒糯自然村社会经济分析的基础上发现用0.179 hm2耕地保证农民能够达到"每年人均428 kg的稻谷、180 kg的玉米"粮食安全需求;通过优化粮食作物的二元结构种植模式,采用15行陆稻间2行玉米的间作方式,即可达到粮食安全需求,同时比传统的净作玉米或净作陆稻户均可以节约0.2 hm2耕地用于发展其它经济作物。
Although the developmental models of sustainable agriculture are diversity in the mountain regions of the southern of Yunnan even in the GMS, it is similar and necessary for the food security for the farmer in these regions. Here we performed a case study through social economy investigation at Mannuo,which is a mountainy and ethical village with typic ecological and agricultural social-economical features in these regions, showing that there are no any irrigated conditions for crops growth but upland crops, such as upland rice and maize which were two main crops not any for food security but also for their income consisted of upland rice, cash crops,livestock, and so on. Meanwhile, the amount to 428 kg of upland rice and 180 kg maize planted 0. 179 hm^2 arable land for each person each year is the lowest food security line at Mannou village. To maintain the necessary food amount,increase the economical income and use the least arable land,the 5 kind of intercropping models between upland rice and maize were employed to evaluate the suitable intereropping model for this purpose. The results showed that the model of with 15 rows upland rice intercrop 2 rows maize could be harvested 450 kg upland rice and 180 kg maize using 0. 133 hm^2 arable land and it could be decreased 0. 0446 hm^2 arable land for other cash crops growth than before,which means for each household,they can save 0.2 hm^2 arable land in the intercropping model than using single crop method ,which were used to develop other potential cash crops for more income.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
upland rice
economic benefit