设计了一款便携式音乐分析仪,对一段音乐信号进行音高和时值特征分析,将分析结果以 MIDI 格式符号记录下来,通过 MIDI 音频合成芯片回放音乐旋律的同时可将音符信息解析成五线谱并由 LCD 显示。介绍了部分主要硬件电路接口和核心算法的软件设计。
A portable music analysis instrument is designed, by which the pitch and the length of notes can be recognized. Then the results are recorded in MIDI format for the purpose of replaying the music melody by MIDI audio chip and display the music score by LCD at the same time. Some of the major hardware interface and the software design of major algorithm are illustrated.
Application of Electronic Technique