
基于营销学视角的生活方式研究述评 被引量:3

Commentary on Lifestyle Research from the Marketing Angle
摘要 生活方式的概念与研究最初起源于心理学与社会学,20世纪60年代,市场营销研究者将生活方式的概念引入了营销学领域,特别是应用在消费者市场细分上,逐步在营销管理与消费行为研究领域中得到了广泛地应用与关注。本文从生活方式的概念出发,着重研究了国内外衡量生活方式的衡量方法,最后分析了生活方式的发展趋势,提出了将来的发展方向。 A The concept and research of the lifestyle originated from psychology and sociology. In 1960s, the researchers of marketing began to use the concept of the lifestyle in marketing, especially in applying it to the subdivision of the consumer's market. It has been widely employed and progressively paid close attention to in marketing management and the consumer behavior research. This paper, proceeding from the concept of the lifestyle, studies the measurement method of the life style both at home and abroad, analyzes its development trend, and proposes the direction of its development in the future.
作者 翟淑超 程旭
出处 《上海商学院学报》 2008年第4期22-26,共5页 Business Economic Review
关键词 生活方式 消费者行为 衡量方法 lifestyle, consumer behavior, measurement method
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