The geriatric diseases are referred to as the common diseases or the diseases the old people suffered from. The characteristics of geriatric diseases are summarized as follows : Most old people suffered from chronic non - infectious diseases; Many factors may trigger the occurrence of geriatric diseases ; Most geriatric diseases have the irregular symptoms and bodily signs; Most senile patients suffered from multiple diseases at the same time, accompanied with multi - organ failures and multi - system dysfunctions, and with the manifestation of many kinds of geriatric syndromes and the appearance of many senile problems; The geriatric diseases are often accompanied with the problems caused by the multiple drug uses and the drug side - effects, and need the treatments by the doctors from multiple medical specialties and the recovery and nursing performed by multi- disciplinary teams. To prevent the occurrence of geriatric diseases, the individual patients are first required to make long - life effort to set up their own health engineering, and then regularly go through the disease risk prediction and to have the plan of receiving the treatment without sickness, the confidence of treating the existing diseases and the perseverance of pursuing recovery.
Practical Journal of Cardiac Cerebral Pneumal and Vascular Disease
Geriatric Diseases
Chronic Non -Infectious Diseases
Geriatric Syndromes
Geriatric Problems
Multidiseiplinary Teams