
双层储液容器碰撞冲击的计算 被引量:2

Computing of the Dual Layer Liquid-Filled Container Crash
摘要 采用ALE法描述流体方程,Larangian法描述结构方程,基于罚函数的耦合方式实现流体与结构的耦合作用,动态模拟了双层储液容器碰撞冲击过程。在介绍ALE有限元法的同时,分析储液容器在碰撞冲击过程中的力学行为及其能量的转换过程,并对储液容器内部的流体变形行为进行分析,为其结构的设计与性能的改进提供参考依据。此外,讨论该类流体—结构耦合问题的并行性计算问题,针对双层储液容器碰撞冲击过程中既存在十分耗时的非线性的流体与结构耦合计算,又有大量的碰撞接触计算的特点,基于负载均衡的分区策略,改进了递归坐标二分分区方法。结果表明,改进后的分区方法使得各分区的负载更加均衡,具有更好的加速比与并行效率。 The ALE description is adopted for the fluid domain, while the Lagrangian formulation is considered for the structural domain. The computation of fluid-structure interaction is realized by the penalty function-based coupling method. The dynamic behaviors of the dual layer liquid-filled container in the crash is analyzed, in the meantime, the parallelism of the dual layer container is discussed because the computation of fluid-structure interaction and the impact contact is quite time-consuming. Based on domain decomposition, the recursive coordinate bisection (RCB) is improved according to the time-consuming characteristics of dual layer liquid-filled container in the impact with the ground. The result indicates, in comparison with RCB algorithm, the improved recursive coordinate bisection (IRCB) algorithm has improved speedup and parallel efficiency.
出处 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期216-221,共6页 Journal of Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(90612017)。
关键词 双层储液容器 碰撞冲击 ALE有限元 并行计算 区域分解 Dual layer liquid-filled container Impact ALE method Parallel computing Domain decomposition
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