目的:在医疗设备数据库管理系统中存取图片资料。方法:在SQL Server2000数据库表中定义Blob列保存Image类型数据。PowerBuilder9.0作为前端应用程序开发工具,通过SelectBolb、UpdateBlob命令执行Blob列与Blob变量的数据交换,使用Picture控件显示图片。结果:图像数据在数据库管理系统中实现了方便的存储、更新与显示,并且具有数据一致性好、操作便利、实时存取的特点。结论:该方法扩展了医疗设备数据库管理系统的功能,具有很强的实用性。
ObjeCtive To access images of medical equipments in database management system. Methods Images in SQL Server2000 can be stored inside database tables directly as the binary content of a Blob field. Under the PowerBuilder development environment, SelectBlob and UpdateBlob are used to perform the data exchange between the Blob field and a Blob variable defined in Powerscript,then image contained in the Blob variable can be constructed in a picture control available in PowerBuilder. Results It is convenient and expeditious to insert, update and present images in this PowerBuilder application. Conclusion Processing images in the medical equipments database management system extends its functions and has a significant applied value.
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal