
高强度复合型PVDF中空纤维膜的制备(Ⅰ)铸膜液条件对膜性能的影响 被引量:7

Study on the preparation of high strength composite PVDF hollow fiber membrane Ⅰ.The effect of PVDF coating solution on the membrane performance
摘要 提出利用合成纤维将中空纤维膜渗透分离功能与强度功能相互分离的思想,通过涤纶网状增强层的加入以及涂膜液涂敷的方法,制备得到高强度复合型PVDF(聚偏氟乙烯)中空纤维膜,研究了涂膜液温度及PVDF浓度、PVP浓度对于膜性能的影响.研究表明:纤维增强层在膜壁之中均匀分布,与聚合物膜体结合紧密;其加入对于膜强度提高明显,拉伸强度达到30 MPa以上,爆破强度在0.5 MPa左右;对于膜渗透分离相关性能具有一定影响. A method to separate the hollow fiber membrane permeation function and strength function into two independent and coordinated parts through the addition of synthetic fibers was advanced in this paper. Base on this method, a kind of high strength composite PVDF hollow fiber membrane was prepared by the adding of PET fiber weaving tube and coating of PVDF solution. The effect of coating solution temperature,concentration of PVDF and PVP on the membrane structure and performance was also studied. The PET fiber layer lied in the membrane symmetrically, whieh had a strong interaction force. The tensile/rupture strength could be above 30 MPa and burst pressure could be above 0.5 MPa, so the effect of PET fiber on hollow fiber membrane mechanism performance was noticeable. The PET fiber also had a little effect on the permeation and separation properties in some way.
出处 《膜科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期33-37,共5页 Membrane Science and Technology
关键词 聚偏氟乙烯 中空纤维膜 高强度 增强膜 纤维编织 PVDF hollow fiber membrane high strength reinforced membrane weaving fiber tubular
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