The present study demonstrated morphology of the vasopressin (VP)-ergic neurons and the distribution of the VP-ergic nerve fibers in the supraoptic (SON) and the paraventricular nuclei (PVN) of the hypothalamus of tbe Tupaia Be langeri Chinensis using VP antiserum and PAP technique. Morphology of the VP-ergic perikarya was as follow: A majority of them in the principal part of the SON (SONP) were seen to be fusiform in shape and a few of them was multipolar; In the retrochiasmatic SON (SONr) most VP-ergic perikarya were seen to be multipolar, while a few to be fusiform. In the PVN the multiPolar VP-ergic perikarya predominated over the fusiform ones. The distribution of the VP-ergic nerve fibers was as follow: They were thin and straight, parallelly distributed between the PVN and SONp, especially between the PVN and the suprachiasmatic area (SCA) and dorsomedial area of the optic tract ; A few VP-ergic nerve fibers in the second half of the PVN assumed a medial-dorsolateral orientation ; On the dorsolateral side of the SONr, the VP-ergic fibers were distributed more densely and reticularly in a dorsolateral-ventromedial orientation and showed a tendency converged to the median eminence (ME). Some of them were observed to have beaded elements ; The VP-ergic fibers were compactly distributed in a bilateral-middle and a rostral-caudal orientation and there were a few immunoreactively positive aggregates of various sizes a mong them in the internal zone of the ME: In the external zone of the ME, particularly near the portal capillary loops, there existed immunopositively stained puncta distributed in groups. In the infundibular stalk and the pars nervosa of the hypopbysis numerous dense VP-ergic fibers and a few immunopositive Herring bodies were observed. Around the sinusoid cap illaries in the pars nervosa dense immunoreactive puncta of different sizes can be frequently found. Significance of finding that the VP-ergic perikarya and the dendrite-like processes were covered with immunopositive stained spine-like o
Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy
VP-ergic neuron
Tupaia Belangeri Chinensis