在对液压支架用立柱结构合理归类分组的基础上,利用UGS NX5.0的Wave和Ex-pression技术,建立了液压支架用立柱三维参数化模型,研究了用关系数据库表达对象模型的方法,并应用NX Open for.net技术,采用C#.net二次开发了NX5.0环境下的立柱参数化组件库,从而简化了立柱设计,提高了设计效率。
On the basis of classifying leg for hydraulic supports in a rational way, with the usage of wave and expression technique of UGS NX5. 0, have set up three - dimensional parametric model for hydraulic supports leg, studied a method of showing the expression of object model using RDS, applied NX Open for. net technology, secondarily developed legs subassembly database under the circumstance of NX5. 0 using C # . net, thus the leg design and improved the efficiency of design are simplified.
Coal Mine Machinery