
土地荒漠化对生态系统服务价值的影响 被引量:13

Effects of land desertification on ecosystem service value
摘要 采用实地调查与遥感材料分析相结合的方法,引入土地荒漠化程度对生态系统服务价值影响系数,在确定各种土地利用类型面积、荒漠化程度和分布格局的基础上,分析土地荒漠化对赤峰市生态系统服务价值的影响。结果表明:1)赤峰市荒漠化区域内,荒漠化土地面积比例达到76.66%,其中草地荒漠化面积比例最大,未利用地和草地荒漠化程度最高,而林地和耕地荒漠化面积比例和程度相对较小而低;轻度、中度荒漠化土地主要分布于耕地、林地和大部分草地中,重度和极重度荒漠化土地主要分布于未利用地和少部分草地中;土地荒漠化面积比例较大且程度较高的地区为林西县、翁牛特旗、巴林右旗、巴林左旗、敖汉旗和阿鲁科尔沁旗,土地荒漠化面积比例最小且程度最低的地区为红山区。2)土地荒漠化使赤峰市生态系统服务价值总量降低了79.9241亿元/a,其中敖汉旗、翁牛特旗、巴林右旗和阿鲁科尔沁旗降低量较大,分别为16.6394亿、16.3974亿、15.3927亿和13.6589亿元/a,林西县降低率最大,为23.47%,红山区降低量和降低率都最小,分别为0.0411亿元/a和2.63%;全市土壤形成与保护价值降低量最大,为17.8677亿元/a,食物生产价值降低率最多,为20.65%,娱乐休闲价值降低量和降低率都最小,分别为2.3139亿元/a和13.34%。 By using the method of combining the investigation and remote sensing date, introducing the effecting index of desertification degree on ecosystem service value, based on the area, desertification degree and distribution pattern of the different land using types, the effects of land desertification on ecosystem service value were studied. It is shown that: 1 ) Desertification land area rate within desertification region is 76.66 %. The desertification area rate of grassland is the biggest, the desertification degree of grassland and unused land are also the biggest, but the desertification area rate and desertification degree of forest land and cultivating land are smaller than that of grassland and unused land. Light and middle degree desertification land mainly distribute on cultivating land, forest land and most part of grassland. Heavy degree and extra heavy degree desertification land mainly distribute on unused land and few part of grassland. The desertification area rate and desertification degree of Linxi county, Wengniute county, Right Balin county, Left Balin county, Aohan county and Arlukerqin county are bigger and heavier than that of other counties, and that of Hongshan county is the smallest and lightest. (2)Total ecosystem service value reduced 7 992.41 million yuan per year because of desertification. The reducing value is bigger in Aohan county, Wengniute county, Right Balin county and Arlukerqin county than that of other counties, which reduced 1 639.74 million yuan per year, 1 663.94 million yuan per year, 1 539.27 million yuan per year and 1 365.89 million yuan per year respectively. Reducing rate of value in Linxi county is biggest, which reached 23.47%. Both reducing value and reducing rate in Hongshan county are smallest, which reached 4.11 million yuan per year and 2.63 % respectively. Reducing value of soil forming and protecting serviee of ecosystem are the biggest, which reached 1 786.77 million yuan per year. Reducing rate of food production serviee is the biggest, which reache
出处 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 2008年第5期50-56,70,共8页 Science of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 内蒙古赤峰市科技局攻关项目"流动沙地沙障治理模式研究与推广"
关键词 生态系统服务价值 土地荒漠化 赤峰市 ecosystem service value land desertification Chifeng city
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