根据山羊遗传连锁图谱和相关文献资料,选择2号和5号染色体上的8个微卫星座位作为分子标记,选用250头纯种波尔山羊作为实验群体,通过对该群体这8个微卫星座位的检测分析表明:BMS1248、BMS1898、IL-STS034、LSCV22、LSCV37、OarFCB011I、DVGA64和INRA040在波尔山羊群体中的有效等位基因数、遗传杂合度和多态信息含量分别为10.057 6、0.900 6、0.892 0,6.831 5、0.853 6、0.839 6,8.101 8、0.876 6、0.864 0,7.067 5、0.858 5、0.841 7,7.730 7、0.870 6、0.857 3,5.912 5、0.830 9、0.810 1,6.134 7、0.837 2、0.817 2,5.957 8、0.832 2、0.812 2。8个微卫星座位与生长性状的最小二乘分析结果表明:微卫星座位BMS1248的162/140基因型对出生体重、出生体长、出生体高、出生胸围具有正效应;微卫星座位BMS1898的119/101基因型对出生体重、出生体长、出生体高具有正效应,111/111基因型对出生胸围具有正效应;微卫星座位ILSTS034的193/167基因型对出生体重有正效应,193/167和199/167基因型对出生胸围有正效应;微卫星座位LSCV37的161/147和159/143基因型对出生体重具有负效应,161/147对出生体长和出生体高具有负效应;微卫星座位IDVGA64的281/243基因型对出生体高和出生体长具有负效应;微卫星座位INRA040的246/216基因型对出生体重和出生胸围具有正效应,246/216和238/238基因型对体高具有正效应。
Eight microsatellite loci which in 2^nd and 5^th chromosome were selected according to the genetic map of male goat and related reports. The population including 250 pure Boer goats in this study. The results showed that, for the BMS1248, BMS1898, ILSTS034, LSCV22, LSCV37, OarFCB011, IDVGA64, INRA040, the number of effect alleles(Ne), heterozygosity (H) and polymorphism information content (PIC) in the Boer goats population were 10. 057 6,0. 900 6, 0.892 0; 6. 831 5, 0.853 6, 0.839 6; 8. 101 8, 0.876 6, 0.864 0; 7. 067 5, 0.858 5, 0.8417; 7.730 7, 0.870 6, 0.857 3; 5.912 5, 0.830 9, 0.810 1; 6.134 7, 0.837 2, 0.817 2; 5.957 8, 0. 832 2,0. 812 2, respectively. The relating effects between markers and growth traits were analyzed in a generalized linear model, the results indicated that the 162/140 genotype of BMS1248 had positive significant effect on birth weight, birth length, birth height, birth chest; 119/101 genotype of BMS1898 had positive significant effect on birth weight, birth length, birth height, 111/111 genotype had positive significant effect on birth chest; 193/167 genetype of ILSTS034 had positive significant effect on birth weight,while 193/167 and 199/167 had positive significant effect on birth chest; 161/147 and 159/143 genotype of LSCV37 had negative significant effect on birth weight, while 161/147 genotype had negative significant effect on birth weight and birth length; 281/243 genotype of IDVGA64 had negative significant effect on birth weight and birth length; 246/216 genotype of INRA040 had positive significant effect on body weight and birth chest,while 246/216 and 238/238 had positive significant effect on birth height.