利用土壤培养试验和GC-MS分析技术,研究了多环芳烃苯并[a]蒽(BaA)在红壤和潮土中的降解.结果表明,在培养60 d后,土壤中的BaA明显减少,其残留浓度与加入量呈显著正相关.BaA降解率在79%-98%,随土壤BaA的加入量和土壤类型的不同而变化.红壤中BaA的残留浓度显著高于潮土,潮土中苯并[a]蒽的降解率显著高于红壤,两者差异随BaA加入浓度增加而减小.其原因主要是土壤质地、pH和有机质不同所致.由此可见,土壤具有降解BaA的能力,轻质土壤、偏碱性条件和低有机质含量有助于BaA的土壤降解.
In order to understand the effects of different soil on the degradation of benz[a]anthracene(BaA),an incubation experiment with red soil and fluvo-aquic soil was performed and the technique of GC-MS(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) was used to determine the BaA content in soil.The results showed that after 60 days incubation,the content of BaA in soil decreased significantly and the residual concentration of BaA in soil was possitively correlative to the addition of BaA.The degradation rate of BaA in soil was between 79% and 98%,which was changing with the addition of BaA and soil types.The residual BaA was higher in red soil than that in fluvo-aquic soil,thus its degradation rate was lower than fluvo-aquic soil,but the difference between red soil and fluvo-aquic soil was decreasing with the increase of BaA addition.It was mainly caused by different soil texture,pH and organic matters.In summary,soil had the ability to degrade BaA,and the condition of light soil texture,alkali soil reaction and low soil organic matter content made for the degradation of BaA in soil.
Journal of Hubei Minzu University(Natural Science Edition)