提出一种基于MDS(multidimensional scaling,多维定标)的快速定位算法--SSOLA(smart space oriented location awareness),可对智能空间中的无线网络(如:移动自组网)节点进行精确定位.SSOLA较以往的MDS定位算法的改进在于:一是采用Euclidean测距方法计算MDS距离矩阵,从根本上减小了定位误差;二是采用1跳和2跳局部图相结合的自适应选择机制,在保证定位精度无明显下降的同时降低局部图生成、合并的计算量,提高了定位速度;三是允许与移动自组网路由算法融合执行,整体上提高了定位效率.仿真实验结果表明,SSOLA具有对锚节点依赖小、定位精度高、可扩展性好、时间消耗少等优点,可以广泛应用于战术互联网、智能战场等大规模无线网络环境中.
This paper proposes a smart space oriented location awareness scheme (SSOLA) based on MDS (multidimensional scaling), which can position all the nodes of the networks accurately only by means of the connectivity information——who is within communications range of whom. Provided with known positions for several anchor nodes, we can get the absolute positions for all nodes. Through simulation studies, SSOLA is demonstrated that it is more robust to measurement error, and has less location error, less time cost and better scalability than previous proposals in the same conditions. Furthermore, it can achieve comparable results using much fewer anchor nodes than previous methods, and even yields relative coordinates when no anchor nodes are available. SSOLA ean be used in large and heavy traffic wireless environment, such as intelligent battlefield, tactical internet, etc.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems