In the context of the rule of law, we should measure the derivative activities and consequences of the moral models on the legal horizon. Long-term education of the moral model and introduced the various types of models, in essence, are all moral models in China. Legal nature of selecting moral models has two points. First, as a general social activity, will the selected moral model become a legal activity? Should the selected activities create a legal system? This article holds that the answer is positive, but the extent of the law is still low, and legitimacy is not strong. Second, what kinds of unique legal issues are encountered by the elected moral models? The article maintains that, as a result of the activities of the community, the moral model being individual or collective forms people or collective of the moral model. Once being elected or identified, they are given the honorary title, and vigorously publicized, so that the person or their ideas are different from the characteristics of ordinary people being a new social existence. In the legal sense, they and the ordinary people will have difference between the protectiong honours right, the reputation right and property rights.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
moral models
selection of moral models
character of moral models
legal issue of moral models