
撒播异邦的种子——诗的翻译、改写与移植 被引量:1

Transplanting Seeds of the Foreign: On the Translation/Rewriting/Transplanting of Poetry
摘要 诗的创作史与诗的翻译史常常是交织在一起的。诗人兼译者们翻译、改写着来自异域的诗作,移植着来自异邦的诗歌语言,借以创造出本土文学的经典。作为不同语言在最深层面上的碰撞,诗的翻译、改写和移植不断挑战着本土的语言形式和审美习规,开创着文学语言的新的可能。因而另一种意义上,诗不但可译,不但并未在翻译中丢失,而且正是在翻译中得以不断产生。 The history of poetry composition has always been intertwined with that of poetry translation. It is often in their translation and rewriting of poems as well as transplantation of poetry language from foreign lands that poets/ translators managed to create new genres and literary canons of their own nations. As the collision of different languages at the deepest level, the translation, rewriting and transplantation of poetry keeps challenging the domestic aesthetic and linguistic conventions, thereby opening new possibilities of literary language. Poetry is rather what keeps generating in translation instead of getting lost in it.
作者 曾记
机构地区 中山大学
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2008年第5期87-91,共5页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
关键词 诗歌 翻译 改写 可译性 poetry translation rewriting translatability
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