Objective To test whether the motor neuron specific antigen (MNSA) could be detected in motor neuron disease (MND) patient, and to exploit the potential diagnostic marker of MND. Methods Five monoclonal antibodies against motor neurons (McAbMn) were prepared, which exhibited highly specific immunohistochemical reaction with the ventral horn motor neurons of the rat spinal cords. The sera from the 24 patients with MND and the 10 controls were screened for MNSA using McAbMn with ELISA. The serums of the patients with MND were divided into three different groups, i.e., Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), and the progressive bulbar palsy (PBP) group. They were then subdivided into 4 age groups (ages of 30 ̄39 years, 40 ̄49 years, 50 ̄59 years and 60 ̄69 years). Results 85% (22/24) of all the patients clinically diagnosed as MND showed higher serum MNSA levels compared with the control patients. A significant difference was found between the MND group and the control group (P<0.05). When the patient groups were examined in more details, no significance was showed in different age groups, but the serum MNSA levels were significantly different in the MND patients with ALS and with PBP. Conclusion MNSA existed in the MND patients. The MNSA might reflect the progressive accumulation on account of the deaths of the motor neurons in MND and that the ELISA of serum MNSA would be a helpful potential diagnostic test for MND.
Chinese Journal of Neurology