
上游山区推进工业化与承担生态屏障的矛盾与对策--以广东珠江流域为例 被引量:8

A Solution to the Conflict between Promotion of Industrialization & Protection of Water Environments in Mountainous Areas among Upper Reaches of a River——A Case of the Reaches of the Pearl River in Guangdong
摘要 珠江流域上下游之间经济不均衡发展状况严重,"逆地理梯度发展效应"明显。其主要原因是上游山区遭遇工业化迟滞与边缘化困境。因而加速那里的工业发展以摆脱"贫困恶性循环",是实现全流域经济差异收敛的有效途径。然而,由于区域单元主体功能定位不同,上游山区大规模推进工业化的努力与水系上游限制工业排放的环保要求直接矛盾。为此,可建立一种兼顾发展与环保、效率与公平、能调动上下游双向积极性的制度安排——"珠江流域工业排放局域配额制",通过排放配额在流域单元间的公平分配和交易,让那些为承担生态屏障义务而被迫放弃部分工业发展权的上游地区(排放配额卖方)得到相应补偿,也让那些分享生态服务并"超限"发展工业的区域(排放配额买方)支付相应代价。 There is an obvious departure from the regional equilibrium of developments between the upper and lower reaches of the Pearl River that resulted in "the effects of contra-geography-grads development".It's mainly because that the mountainous areas of the upper reaches has been deeply stuck in industrialization delaying & marginalization plights,so to get rid of "the vicious circle of poverty" by speeding up industrial development is an effective way to achieve convergence of economic disparity in the whole river-basin.But according to different orientation of the main function among regional units,industrialization effort on a large scale in the mountainous areas conflicts with the local environmental goal that strictly limits industrial emissions along the upper reaches of any water system.Therefore,a systematic solution that takes account both of the economic development and the environment protection,of the efficiency and the equity,of the upper and the lower reaches of a river is in urgent needs.As a try,an institutional arrangement called "the Local Area Quotas for Industrial Emissions along the Pearl River" is put forward here that supposes to give corresponding compensation to the rights of industrial development given up by some upper mountainous areas through the distribution and trading of IDQ(the Industrial Discharge Quotas),meanwhile some industrialized and rich lower reaches(as purchasers or buyers of IDQs)being charged correspondingly.
出处 《山地学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期404-409,共6页 Mountain Research
关键词 山区经济 珠江流域 逆地理梯度发展效应 区域均衡发展 工业排放配额制 the economy of mountainous areas the reaches/basin of the Pearl River the effects of contra-geography-grads development the regional developments in equilibrium the quota system for industrial emissions
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