According to the analysis of average length of stay and other core medical index of Xin Hua Hospital in the recenteight years, we find that the average length of stay has a high degree of negative correlation with such index as the number ofdischarged inpatients, occupancy rate of beds, turn-over rate of beds and so on. On the basis of ensuring the quality and safetyof medical treatment, we have taken a series of scientific and proper measures and effectively shortened the average length of stay.During the period of 2006 and 2007, the average length of stay decreased 26.12% while the number of approved beds increased 22.8%. With the shortening of average length of stay, the occupancy rate of beds improves, the number of discharged inpatientsgrows year on year (a 59.28% increase from 2000 to 2007), and the number of surgical patients increased 89.42%. A total expenseof 76,743 million (RMB) is saved for the patients, thus effectively easing up the contradiction of " it is difficult and expensive toseek medical treatment" .
Chinese Hospitals