One hundred and twelve new cases withGraves' disease were treated by tapazolefor 6 months and followed-up for another12 months in a prospective study.One hun-dred and eleven cases completed the wholecourse of study. and only one failed to befollowed up. The results of the follow-upfor l2 mon showed that the remission ratewas 41.4g (46/111) and relapse rate was58.6% (65/111). The present study indicatedthat the remission or relapse was relatedwih serum levels of T_3, before treatment,shrinked goiter and disappearance of goiterbruit during the treatment as well as thyroidsuppression rate, but not related to sex,age, period of illness before therapy or se-verity of the disease. It is suggested that a6-mon antithyroid drug therapy instead oftraditional 1ong term therapy may besuitable for those patients who are with a re-duced goiter and disappeared goiter bruitduring the antithyroid therapy, and suppres-sible thyroid up-take by T_3, or thyroideumand whose serum levels of T_3, before treat-ment are not very high. So the patientsmay benefit from the short-term therapy.They are not only able to obtain a pro-longed remission but also save time andmoney.
Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences