
加强重点学科建设 提高合并院校整体办学水平—北华大学重点学科建设的成效与体会

Strengthening the Construction of Major Disciplines and Raising the Whole Level of Running Schools for the Merging University
摘要 本文通过抓重点学科建设所取得的成效,阐述了地方合并院校以重点学科建设为龙头,以主动为地方经济社会发展服务为办学宗旨,全面推进学校各项事业发展,探索出了一条提升地方合并院校整体办学实力与水平之路。 on the basis of the achievements of strengthening the construction of major disciplines, this thesis expounds that the local merging university entirely enhances the development of every undertakings and seeks a way of raising the strength and level of running schools for the local merging university, by emphasizing the construction of major disciplines and following a principle of running schools that the university should actively serves for the development of local society and economy.
作者 王文祥
出处 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2007年第4期45-47,共3页 Journal Of Jilin Normal University:Humanities & Social Science Edition
关键词 学科建设 办学定位 队伍建设 制度建设 discipline construction location of running schools ranks construction construction of rules and regulation
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