"Nature" is the important domain in ancient Chinese literary criticism. The method using "nature" to study literature had been recorded in Huainanzi of Han Dynasty. Since the Western Jin Dynasty, to discuss the literature and art by "nature" has become popular, but the real view of using the nature to study literature didn't appear until the appearance of Liu Xie's The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons. Liu Xie takes the "Tao of nature" as the basic principle of literary creation, and discusses the necessity of the birth and existence of work and the unification of "work" and "essence" based on the philosophical ontology; furthermore, he studies the birth of literary work by natural sense and inspiration, the natural writing style, the literary creation from frank and the natural thoughts and emotions, and he has established the systematical thought of that the Tao of literature is the nature.
Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
Liu Xie
The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons
Tao of literature is the nature