The acceptable annual economic value of service functions of ecosystems can reflect the natural environment status in a region. In order to exactly reveal the environment pressure in an intuitionistic way, in this paper the concept of per capita service value of ecosystems is put forward based on the theory and methods of the service function value of ecosystems, the per capita service values of ecosystems and their change rates in Weinan City during the period of 1996 -2004 are estimated, and the intrinsic mechanism causing such change is researched so as to provide a new train of thought for the comprehensive study on regional population, resources and environment. The results are as follows : ( 1 ) The service value of ecological functions was continuously increased during the period of 1996 -2004, it was increased from 6. 177 × 10^5 yuan in 1996 to 6. 345 × 10^5 yuan in 2004; (2) The increase of ecological service value was different from different regions during this period, it was the highest in Hancheng City, but the ecological value in Huayin County was decreased by 1.65% ; (3) The per capita service value of ecosystems in Weinan City was decreased during the period of 1996 -2004 except that in 2003, such situation reveals that the ecological pressure in the study area is increased year by year, and the environment is gradually degenerated due to population growth.
Arid Zone Research