
效率和公平视角下的WTO多哈回合谈判与多边贸易体制的完善 被引量:4

Doha Round Negotiation of WTO & Completion of Multilateral Trading System: Perspectives of Efficiency & Equity
摘要 效率和公平两大价值的平衡,是近年来在GATT/WTO多边贸易体制内越来越受到关注的一个问题。在该贸易体制的历史发展中,对效率最大化的片面追求导致公平价值的缺失,并给该体制的有效运行带来危机。WTO在2001年正式发起的多哈回合谈判,试图以公平价值对乌拉圭回合效率最大化理念加以限制和纠正,这是多边贸易体制一次深层次和意义重大的自我提升。为了缓解多边贸易体制的合法性危机,必须通过在该体制内更好落实全球分配正义来加强公平价值。 In recent years, the issue of how to balance the value of efficiency and that of equity has attracted increasing attention within the multilateral trading system. In the historic development of the trading system, the pursuit of efficiency maximization had led to the absence of the value of equity, which in turn endangered the smooth functioning of the system. Launched by the WTO in 2001, the Doha Round negotiation has been trying to restrict or rebalance the idea of efficiency maximization in the Uruguay Round. It represents a fundamental and significant self-improvement of the multilateral trading system. In order to further attenuate the legitimacy crisis of the trading system, it's necessary to better concretize the concept of global distributive justice so as to enhance the value of equity.
作者 黄志雄
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第5期694-699,共6页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
基金 教育部人文社会研究重点项目(02JAZ820006)
关键词 效率 公平 多边贸易体制 多哈回合 efficiency equity multilateral trading system doha round
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