Objective:To study MRI features of giant cell tumor of tendon sheath (GCTTS) and pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS). Methods:28 cases (17 eases of GCTTS, 11 eases of PVNS)confirmed by operation and pathology were retrospectively analyzed. All eases were examined by MRI. Results: Among 17 eases of GCTTS, 3 cases were located in knee joint, 6 in ankle joint, 2 in wrist joint, 3 in hand and 3 in foot. 11 eases were the diffuse form, 6 were focal. On T1WI, the signal intensity of CCTTS presented mainly isointensity or slighdy hypointensity. On T2WI, the signal intensity presented mainly hypointensity with patchy isointensity or hyperintensity signal. The violations of tendon and ligament were showed in 11 eases, destruction of bone in 10 eases, joint effusion in 7 eases. Among 11 eases of PVNS, 9 cases were located in knee joint, 1 in shoulder joint, 1 in ankle joint. 9 cases were the diffuse form, 2 were focal. On T1WI, the proliferation of synovial presented isointensity or hypointensity. On T2WI, it presented isointensity or slightly hyperintensity signal. Conclusion: GCTTS and PVNS were different in the usnal parts, but they have the same signal eharaeteristies.
Journal of Medical Imaging
Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath
Pigmented villonodular synovitis
Magnetie resonance imaging