成熟的基因扩增及测序技术,结合比较发达的网络与信息技术,给我们提供了以DNA为基础的系统分类方法。一种新的DNA分类方法——DNA条形编码(DNABar c oding)技术应运而生。本研究以线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(cytochrome c oxidaseⅠ,COⅠ)基因的特定序列作为DNA条形码,对我国7个地方鸡种进行分子评估。研究结果表明:选择的这段COⅠ基因序列有22个突变位点,为13个单倍型,其中11个单倍型为各品种所特有;6个鸡种有其特异位点,这些特异单倍型和特异位点作为DNA条形码可以对其进行分子评估,并可以作为辅助各品种鉴定的依据。7个品种间Kimura双参数遗传距离为0.017~0.389。7个品种的DNA分类和形态学分类基本一致,该基因可以探讨地方鸡种分类问题。
Combined with PCR , sequencing , developed internet and communication technology, phylogenetic relationships based on DNA was used in study. DNA barcoding, a new DNA taxonomy, was emerged as the time require.The special sequence of CO I gene as DNA barcoding was amplified which was aimed to assess seven indigenous chicken breeds as a molecular tool. The study revealed that there were 22 polymophic sites and 13 haplotypes, l lof them were special to 7 chicken breeds. The special sites were found in six chicken breeds. These special haplotypes and sites as DNA barcoding were the bases to assess and identify the 7 chicken breeds. Kimura 2-parameter distance between the 7 chicken breeds was 0.017-0.389. DNA taxonomy is consistent with morphological taxonomy among the six chicken breeds. The phylogenetic relationships of the breeds can be well resolved by CO I gene sequences.
Poultry Science