本研究主要以贻贝标准物质(GBW 08571)为分析对象,以微波消解技术作为海洋生物体中Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Cr分析的前处理手段,样品消解液直接以原子吸收分光光度计测定。在取样量为0.500g,加入10.0mL的HNO3+1.0mL的HC l,微波消解温度170℃、消解时间20m in时的情况下,其中的Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Cr的溶出值均在其标准范围内且稳定性能较好;此外,着重进行了样品消解液不经赶酸后直接测定以及不同的消解温度、消解时间对消化效果的影响比较。
On the basis of the standard material of mussel, the digested effect of adding HNO3, HCl, microwave preparation temperature and time, the acids in the digested liquor were studied in order to achieve the best microwave preparation conditions. It was heated at 170℃ and the resident time was 20mins, and 10. 0mLHNO3 + 1.0mLHCl were joined in when the sampling content was 0. 500g, and the sampling capacity was 25.0mL. The research results show that digested effect is good by this method, and the measured effective values of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd and Cr fell in the analytical ranges of reference value. In addition, The paper put focus on the direct determination of sample digestion when the acids weren't droved off, and the comparison of effects of different microwave temperature and time on digest.
Journal of Fujian Fisheries