36 cases of mastoplasia were treated by combined acupuncture with Chinese herbs, as control groups, 30 cases by acupuncture and 32 cases by Chinese herbs respectively. And the levels of serum estradiol(E2 ), progestin (P) and prolactin (PRL) were measured before and after the treatment. The results showed that the cure rate of the group by combined acupuncture with Chinese herbs was 47.22 % being higher than that by acupuncthre. The concentrations of E2 were decreased, while the ones of P were increased (P < 0.01 ) in three groups after the treatment. The concentration of PRI, was de-creased in the combined group. The results suggest that one of the effects of this therapy on mastopla-sia is regulating the functions of the hypothalamus-hypophysis-ovarysystem
Acupuncture Research