目的:通过对高危新生儿听力筛查,识别应当接受听力学评估的新生儿;发现和证实高危新生儿听损伤的高危因素。方法:用DPOAE初筛,对初筛未通过者用DPOAE加ABR进行复筛,复筛未通过者进行听力学诊断。应用Logistic逐步回归法分析听力障碍相关高危因素。结果:共筛查327例,初筛未通过率为37.0%;复筛未通过率为11.0%;确诊10例,听力障碍发病率为3.39%。高危因素为窒息、低体重(<1 500 g)和头颈部畸形。结论:①对高危儿进行听力筛查,DPOAE和ABR相结合是一种可靠、可行的筛查方法;②本资料中与听损伤相关的高危因素为窒息、低体重(<1 500 g)和头颈部畸形。
Objective: To identify the newborns who should receive hearing evaluation by hearing screening in high risk newborns; to find and confirm the high risk factors of hearing disorders in high risk newborns. Method:The first screening was performed by DPOAE. Newborns did not passed the first screening undertook second screening using DPOAE+ ABR, and newborns did not passed the second screening received hearing evaluation.High risk factors of hearing loss were found by Logistic regression analysis. Result: Three hundred and twentyseven cases were screened. The positive ratio in first screening was 37.0%. The positive ratio in second screening was 11.0 %. Ten cases were diagnosed as hearing loss and the incidence of hearing loss was 3.39 %. High risk factors of hearing loss were asphyxiation, very low born weight(〈1 500 g) and head and neck abnormality. Conclusion: (1)DPOAE combined with ABR is credible and feasible in hearing screening of high risk newborns. (2)High risk factors of hearing loss were asphyxiation, very low born weight(〈1 500 g) and head and neck abnormality inthis study.
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery