近年来,合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量(D-InSAR)技术在许多领域取得了良好的应用成果,但D-In-SAR确受时间失相干因素影响很大,同时大气效应也会影响D-InSAR的测量精度。1999年Ferrettit提出了永久散射体技术(Perm anent Scatterer,PS),它通过识别SAR图像中的永久散射体,消除大气影响,充分利用长基线距的干涉图像对,最大限度地提高数据的利用率,能取得毫米级的地表形变测量精度,因而大大增强了干涉测量的环境适应能力及其精度。本文着重介绍了PS技术原理,对其与D-InSAR相互关系进行了讨论,最后在地面沉降监测等领域开展这项研究潜力进行了展望。
Although remarkable application results have been achieved by using differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry ( D - InSAR) recently, D - InSAR is confined strongly by temporal decorrelation and the accuracy of D - InSAR measurements is also affected by atmospheric phase screen. In 2001, PS technology is proposed by Ferrettit, which eliminates atmosphere effects by recognizing PS point in SAR images. Long base line of interferometry SAR is used to promote data profit, and millimeter accuracy of measurements can be acquired. This paper demonstrates the principle of PS and discusses its relation with D - InSAR. Meanwhile, the potential for landsubsidence monitoring is discussed.
Science of Surveying and Mapping