Objective The purpose of this study is to determine the relative contributions of temporal and spectral cues to the perception of the tonal characteristics of Mandarin in normal-hearing adults and to provide the theoretical foundations for the improvement of Chinese speech processing strategies utilized in cochlear implant systems. Methods 13 native Mandarin speakers with normal hearing were recruited in this study. The tone recognition test software by Ohio University was used in this study. The testing material included 10 items with 4 words in each. The vowels and consonants of each testing item were the same but with different tones. The original testing sounds were electronically processed and subsequently recorded in the sound-proof room. Temporal cues were manipulated through the low-pass filters at 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 and 512 Hz while spectral cues were controlled by varying the number of channels (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 and 20). A total of 6,400 sounds, produced in different combinations, were presented through loudspeaker at 65 dB SPL in sound-proof test room. The presentation of the sounds and the recording of the test results were executed automatically by the Matlab software. Results The scores of the tone recognition for the normal-hearing adults increased as the low-pass filters and the numbers of channels increased. When the low-pass filter was less than 2 Hz, the scores remained the same independent of changes of channels. When the channels were less than 2, the scores were constant despite any changes of low-pass filters. Conclusion The tone recognition is related to the temporal and spectral cues which interact with each other in helping the perception of tonal changes in Mandarin.
Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
Temporal cue
Spectral cue
Tone recognition
Cochlear implant