
电流极性对CNTs-Ag-G复合材料接触电压降的影响 被引量:2

Effects of electrical polarity on contact voltage drop of CNTs-Ag-G composite
摘要 采用粉末冶金法制备碳纳米管-银-石墨复合材料,通过对比不同轨迹上的正负电刷接触电压降,研究极性对复合材料电刷接触电压降的影响。结果表明,一定电流密度下,负刷的电压降始终大于正刷,且正负电刷的电压降的变化趋势相同:先上升然后趋于稳定。随着电流密度的增大,电刷的总电压降增幅不大。 The effects of electrical polarity on contact voltage drop of CNTs-Ag-G composite fabricated by means of powder metallurgy method were studied. The results show that with fixed current density, the contact voltage drop of the negative brush is always higher than that of the positive brush, but the contact voltage drop of the two brushes has the same tendency: first increasing and then tending to be. stable. Furthermore, with increase of current intensity, the whole contact voltage drop only exhibits a slight increase.
出处 《材料热处理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期43-47,共5页 Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50271021) 教育部微尺度物质科学研究生创新中心创新基金(C07-10) 合肥工业大学优秀博士培养基金
关键词 碳纳米管-银-石墨复合材料 接触电压降 极性 CNTs-Ag- G composite contact voltage drop polarity
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