研究了2,3-四-(2-异丙基-5-甲基苯氧基)氢酞菁在10,77,177和300K下石英衬底上的浇铸膜和单晶硅衬底上真空镀膜(约200nm厚)在300K下光致发光光谱。氢酞菁的浇铸膜光致发光光谱在上述温度下均出现荧光发射和磷光发射峰,在177和300K下出现了1 673nm激基缔合物峰。该峰的出现与分子抗聚集能力的强弱有关,在300K激基缔合物峰比在177K下的峰强,从氢酞菁分子结构特点讨论了形成激基缔合物的原因。随着温度的升高,可以观察到荧光发射峰渐渐减弱而激基缔合物峰变强。由于浇铸膜和真空镀膜的酞菁分子聚集态不同导致了斯托克司位移的差异,真空镀膜的发光峰峰值在1140nm左右,与酞菁浇铸膜的峰值差别较大。浇铸膜的发光峰的半高宽为300nm,而真空镀膜发光峰的半高宽为100nm左右。
In the present paper, the authors study the photolumimescence spectra of the novel 2,3-tetra-(2-isopropyl-5-methylbenzoyl) hydrogen phthalocyanine casting film and vacuum-deposited film. Photolumimescence spectras of casting film on the quartz substrate were measured at 10, 77, 177 and 300 K, and the photolumimescence spectra of vacuum-deposited film with a thickness of about 200 nm on the silicon substrate was studied at room temperature (300 K). For 2,3-tetra-(2-1sopropyl-5-methylbenzoyl) hydrogen phthalocyanine, the casting films all show fluorescence peaks at 942,937, 942 and 942 um and phosphorescence peaks at 1 114, 1 o57, 1 114 and 1 114 um in the photolumimescence spectra at 10, 77, 177 and 300 K, respectively. In the cases of 2,3-tetra-(2-isopropyl-5-methyl -benzoyl) hydrogen phthalocyanine, the peaks of excimers, which are related with the resistance ability of molecular aggregation, were found around 1 673 um as observed from photolumimescence spectra of the novel phthalocyanine casting films at 177 and 300 K. And the peak of excimers at 300 K is stronger than at 177 K also as can be seen from photolumimescence spectra of its casting films. With the increase in the temperature, the fluorescence peak was weak- ened and the peaks of excimers became stronger from the photoluminescence spectra of 2,3-tetra-(2-isopropyl-5-methylbenzoyl) hydrogen phthalocyanine casting films at 10, 77, 177 and 300 K. At the same time, the authors discussed the reason for coming into being 2,3-tetra-(2-isopropyl-5-methylbenzoyl) hydrogen phthaloeyanine exeimers as can be concluded from the structure of 2,3-tetra-(2-isopropyl-5-methylbenzoyl) hydrogen phthalocyanine molecules through the parameters of Chem 3D Ultra 9.0 MM2 calculation and simulated diagram of C4h isomer of 2,3-tetra-(2-isopropyl-5-methylbenzoyl) hydrogen phthaloeyanine. The peaks of casting film and vacuum-deposited film of 2,3-tetra-(2-isopropyl-5-methyl -benzoyl) hydrogen phthaloeyanine presented different maximum emission
Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis