
心系苍生 丹心永固——论陶澍诗作的经世思想

Narrate the Country-Governing Theory Composed from Taoshu' Poem
摘要 以嘉道年间的封疆大吏陶澍所创作的诗歌为核心,结合他融会贯通的经世思想,侧重解析他所创作出的反应社会现实、民生疾苦以及田园生活的诗篇,辅以他励精图治的政绩,抒写出他"民胞物与"的经世情怀。 The present paper discuss from the view of the composed from Taoshu, combine with his Country - Governing Theory, make important part in poem which responsed to the societical realism and the life of garden city, adding the great achievement in Taoshu' s post, express the sensation of worldly concerns from Taoshu.
作者 陈悦
机构地区 苏州大学文学院
出处 《湖南工业职业技术学院学报》 2008年第4期73-76,共4页 Journal of Hunan Industry Polytechnic
关键词 经世思想 民生疾苦 田因风韵 民胞物与 country-governing theory the people's sufferings livelihood the scenery, of garden city worldly concerns
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