本文用DSC,TGA,FTIR研究了抗癌药倍半氧化羧乙基锗(Ge-132)的热行为。结果表明试样在320℃以下时出现晶态一无定形态转变峰和分解峰,试样开始分解的温度是214℃,因而证明Minoru Tstsai对Ge-132热性质所作的结论:“Ge-132在低于320℃没有熔化和分解的迹象”不符合实际,
The thermal behaviour of carboxycthyl germanium sesquioxide was studied by using DSC,TGA, and FTIR. It was approved that crystallin-amorphou transition peak (A) and decompositionpeak (B) were appeared on DSC curve at temperature below 320℃ with an initial decompositiontemperature of 214℃, Therefore, the conclusion of Minrou Tsutsai 'Ge-132 gave no indicationof the decomposition or the melting below 320℃' was rejected.