文章简要概括了经常被提出的ERP(MRP Ⅱ)在做生产计划时的先天缺陷,并在此基础上提出了基于TOC理念和DBR模型的APS系统与ERP集成的解决方案,提出了APS与ERP集成的潜在问题和可行方案,介绍了基于TOC的APS的关键技术,并根据国内外学者的研究,引入了APS与ERP集成的发展趋势——面向多品种小批量混流制造的精益化改造,以及以APS为核心的新型ERP/APS/MES企业SCM系统。
This paper puts forward the defections of ERP(MRPU) when making production plan in general,and on the basis of this, advances the solution of TOC/DBR-based APS system. Then, this paper mainly discusses the appropriate solution which is about the integration of the APS system and ERP based on TOC theory and APS system ,the potential problems and feasible schemes between ASP and ERP are also advanced. Further more, the paper shows two promising prospects in this area, they are a TOC-based operation for manufacturing in high mix and low volume environments, and the new generation of ERP/APS/MES enterprise SCM system which is built on the core of APS.
Technological Development of Enterprise