This paper deals with the individual absolute fecundity (γ),relative fecundity (γ/L, γ/W) of 113 femal loaches (misgurnus anguillicaudtes)in Dong-Ting Lake and tries to find out their relationship with the morphilo-gical feautures, e·g· body length, body weight etc. a. The individual absolutefecundity of loaches in Dong-Ting Lake varies from 325 to 63 840, with 8 564eggs on average. Its relation to body length and body weight are in linear re-gression. The individual relative fecundity to body length (γ/L) ranges from4~11 eggs/mm with the average of 57 while that to body weight (γ/W) fluetuates between 74~805 eggs/g with the average of 347. The fecundity coefficientof loaches varies from 0.14~5.5 mm·g/egg and most of them are between 0.25~0.65 mm·g/egg. The maturation coefficient of loaches before spawning fluctuatesbetween 5~43.3%. b. The individual absolute fecundity (γ) and the relativefecundity to body length(γ/L) increase with the increase of age, on the contrary,the relative fecundity to body weight (γ/W) is relatively stable.
brood amount