
减少时延的数据融合改进算法 被引量:4

Improved algorithm of reducing delay in data aggregation
摘要 对构建数据融合树算法FHF的研究,发现离sink节点比较远的节点,在向根节点发送数据时普遍存在延迟大的问题。为减少异常数据传输的时延,特别是对于数据包较大的场合,采用了在MAC层预留检测位的方法来处理突发情况。从仿真结果上看,该方法可以减少异常数据传输的时延,应急措施较好。 Through studying the algorithm FHF of constructing the data aggregation tree, it is found that when the distant nodes are from the sink node transmit data to the sink node, the delay is longer. To reduce the transmission delay of abnormal data, particularly in large data packets occasions, the method of keeping a detection bit in the MAC layer was used to deal with unexpected events. Simulation results show that this method can reduce the delay of abnormal data transmission, and the emergency measures are relatively good.
作者 邓亚平 袁凯
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期2185-2187,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 无线传感器网络 数据融合技术 突发情况 应急措施 Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) data aggregation technology unexpected event emergency measures
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