本文根据长沙市一办公建筑空调系统的全年运行记录和实测数据,分析了空调系统的能耗特征。并用温频数(BIN)法计算了空调年假想负荷及空调系统年能耗。用空调能耗系数CEC评价了空调系统的运行情况。在此基础上,从空调机组、水系统的运行管理及室内空气参数的设定三个方面进一步对空调系统进行节能潜力分析。结果标明,(1)在空调系统全年实际能耗量中,冷热水机组能耗高达54%,末端设备能耗为25%,水系统的能耗也高达21%。(2)该宾馆CEC系数为2.0,比日本的办公楼CEC的判断基准1.5大30%以上。这说明该办公楼空调系统能量利用效率较低,存在很大节能潜力。(3)空调机组和水系统的科学运行管理及室内空气参数的合理设定对该空调系统节能具有重大意义:笔者通过比较当负荷率在80%下,开启一台主机和同时开启两主机的能耗情况发现,开启一台主机,系统的总EER提高近23%。空调系统的总功率也可以减小25.9 kW;而和该空调设定温度25℃,相对湿度50%的情况相比,当空调设定温度提高到26℃,相对湿度提高到60%,空调能耗可节省6%。
According to the annual operation records of the HVAC system in a typical office building in Changsha city, energy consumption characteristics of the HVAC system are analyzed in this paper. Annual supposed air conditioning loads and its annual energy consumption are further calculated by ASHRAE's BIN (temperature frequency) method, and energy consumption performance of the HVAC system is estimated with the coefficient of energy consumption for air conditioning (CEC). Based on these studies, energy-saving potential of the HVAC system is analyzed from the three perspectives of air conditioning units, operations and management of the water system, and setting indoor air parameters. The conclusions are as follows: (1)In the annual energy consumption quantity of the HVAC system, the energy consumption of heat and cool resources amount is up to 54% ; terminal units occupy 25% and the water systems contribute to 21%. (2) The CEC coefficient of this HVAC system is 2.0, larger than Japanese CEC benchmark of 1.5, which means the energy utilization efficiency of this HVAC system is low, and there is large energy - saving potential. (3) The energy consumption of this HVAC system can be reduced by adopting scientific operation schedules for heating and cooling resources and the water system. The case study shows that the total EER and rate power of this system is increased by 23 % and 25.9 kW respectively when operating one cool resource under the load rate of 80%, compared with operating two cool resources; when increasing the design temperature and humidity to 26℃ and 60% respectively, the energy consumption amount of the HAVC system is reduced by 6 %, compared with the data when the designing temperature is 25% and the humidity is 50%.
Energy Conservation Technology