观察了00Cr25N i7Mo4N双相不锈钢在不同轧制温度和不同压下率下的组织形貌和晶粒取向,结果表明,在相同压下量下,奥氏体相形变程度随轧制温度上升而减弱;铁素体相织构复杂,织构强度远大于奥氏体相。轧制过程中的相变、形变和动态再结晶是产生上述这些现象的原因。
The microstructure and grain orientation of 00Cr25Ni7Mo4N duplex stainless steel (DSS) hot-rolled at various temperatures and different reduction levels were observed. The results show that, when reduction is kept at the same level, the retained strain in austenite decreases with the increase of the rolling temperature, and the texture components of ferrite are very complicated as its intensity is much greater than that of austenite. The transformation, deformation and dynamic recrystallizaion in the hot rolling process are considered reasons for the phenomena mentioned above.
Baosteel Technology