根据2000年6月南京地区的Landsat 7 ETM+影像利用单窗算法和单通道算法两种反演方法,在ER-DAS的空间建模模块中进行地表温度的反演,并对两种算法的反演结果进行了对比分析。结果表明:两种算法反演的地表温度总体比较接近,但单通道算法反演的结果要高一些,平均比单窗算法高1.29℃;两种算法反演的结果都比亮度温度高,其中,单窗算法比亮温高1.68℃,而单通道算法的这一差值为5.74℃。
This paper aims at retrieving land surface temperature based on Landsat7 ETM+ image according to mono-window algorithm and single-channel algorithm. ERDAS spatial model is used to meet the goal. These visible models can retrieve LST conveniently. Then we make a comparison between LSTs retrieved from the two algorithms. The results are as follows: (1) these two LSTs are close to each other, but the LST of single-channel algorithm is a bit higher than mono-window algorithm about 1.29℃ ; Secondly, these two LSTs are both higher than brightness temperature. For the mono-window algorithm, it is about 1.68℃ and for the single-channel algorithm, about 5.74℃.
Remote Sensing Information