The hi~ of the extract Partitioned ho the foliar methanol extrit Of theictenta^(Meliaceae) with chloxoform for inaseticidal effects on the imported cabbage worm, Picks~ were cabed out. The results P~ that the extat ~ high effeCts of antifedng, growthinhibition. The antifeding at was 94.4% Peaced by I % exbet, and insectS fed with the conthanated leaves with the same concenbeion Of the exbet obtained 24.5% growth raho snd 92.5% mortality on the sib and the 7th day, mepeCtively after ~t. HOwever, the leSS effects were showedon contachng poison. ~ with T^anin and Neem Oil, the sucessful lxhacal insecticides,the effects of the extract on antifedng and po whthition were higher than that of Neem oil.
Journal of Zhongkai Agrotechnical College