目的分析尘肺合并呼吸系真菌感染的易感因素和感染情况及耐抗真菌药情况,为合理使用抗真菌药提供参考依据。方法回顾分析370例尘肺患者的呼吸系真菌感染情况、易感因素和耐药情况。结果370例尘肺患者发生真菌感染137例,感染率37.03%;易感因素有基础疾病尘肺、反复更换使用抗生素、长期反复使用激素、合并糖尿病。137例中感染念珠菌45.99%,隐球菌15.33%,曲霉菌13.14%,毛霉菌8.76%,组织胞浆菌5.11%,其他真菌11.68%。137例中耐药情况为耐氟康唑18.98%,耐伏立康唑15.33%,耐氟胞嘧啶8.76%,耐伊曲康唑5.11%,耐两性霉素B 1.46%。结论尘肺患者真菌感染率较高,耐药情况值得重视,应合理使用抗真菌药,减少耐药菌株产生。
Objective To study the susceptible factors, infection situation and resistance of antifungal agents on fungal infection of pneumoconiosis combined with respiratory system fungal infection so as to provide reference basis for using antifungal agents reasonably. Methods 370 pneumoeoniosis patients were analyzed retrospectively. Result There were 137 fungal infection in 370 patients with an infection rate of 37.03%. Susceptible factors were underlying pneumoconiosis, repeated replacement and using antibiotics, long-term repeated using hormone and with diabetes. In 137 patients, the infection rate of Candida albibans, Cryptococcus, AspergiUus, Mucor, Histoplasma and other species of fungi were respectively 45.99% , 15.33% , 13.14% , 8.76% , 5. 11% , and 11.68%. The resistant rates of fluconazole, voriconazole, flucytosine, itraconazole, and amphotericinB were respectively 18.98% , 15.33%, 8.76%, 5.11% and 1.46%. Conclusion Fungal infection rate of pneumoconiosis patients is relatively high. Resistance of antifungal agents is worth paying attention. It is necessary to use antifungal agents reasonably so as to reduce the drug resistant strain.
Occupational Health and Damage
Fungal infection
Drug resistant strain