目前,DCS控制系统在发电企业中的作用越来越重要、广泛。台州发电厂五期脱硫工程采用了OVATION DCS控制系统。在DCS下装过程中,发生了一些异常现象,本文就现场工作中,曾发生的故障和碰到的问题进行分析讨论,并提出相应处理方案。
The Distributed Control System (DCS) is applied widely and plays important role in power plants. The OVATION-DCS system was applied in the Flue Gas Desulfurization system (FGD) of the Fifth project of Taizhou Power Plant. This paper describes the abnormal phenomena during the download of the OVA- TION-DCS system. Then, based on the experience of site work, we analyze and discuss the occurred faults and problems. And we also provide some good treatment measures to solve the faults and problems.
Automation Panorama1