The main aquifers in Baoshan ore distriet. Guivang—Futian Gro and Zim nqiao Formation dolomites are connected together with those in Guiyang town. Based on the hydrogeological feature, three hydrogeologiocal units can be divided from the ore district to the County town, The hole K23 in the western part of the mine, more than 1.1km away from the County town, had been continuously pumped for 55 days, with a total water pumpage of 21.1 thousand ton, the water table of the main hole dropping from 322.95m to 267.45m, with 29 observation holes around the main hole, controlling a area of 4.6km^2. The cone of depression delineated takes elliptical shape, occupaying an area of 0.5km^2. The analyses of the various data and curves from the test indicate that the main recharge source of the aquiferous body in the test area is the penetration of meteoric water, no hgdraulic connection with the County town being detected while the water table in the western Baoshan mine is lowered to 267m.
Hunan Geology
Pumping test
Hydraulic connection
Karstification area
Underground water movement
Metal deposit