
基于SQL Server的本体储存研究

Ontology Storage Schema Based on SQL Server
摘要 本体合理有效的存储是保证本体共享利用的前提,现有的关系数据库本体存储模式在存储本体后会出现查询推理效率低、维护困难等问题。文中在分析现有模式的基础上,针对本体类和属性的特点,给出了本体存储模式的设计原则,并基于该原则提出了一种新的本体存储模式。该模式针对本体描述语言的特点,将本体查询常用的信息存放在不同的表中。整个模式易于理解,结构稳定,并且减少了本体查询时进行表连接的代价,提高了查询效率。 The rational storage of ontology is the premise of the shareable use of ontology.Under current ontology storage schema, some problems such as difficult maintenance, low query and inference speed may appear after ontology storing in relational databas. Firstly current ontology storage methods are analyzed. Secondly ontology storage schema is designed according to ontology characteristic. The principle of designing ontology storage schema is given and a new storage schema is proposed based on the principle. In this schema, according to the characteristics of ontology description language, frequently queried information is stored in multiple tables, which makes the schema understandable and stable. Furthermore the schema can increase the query efficiency by reducing the cost of table join.
作者 周宣吉 ZHOU Xuan-ji (Zhejiang Shuren University, Hangzhou 310018, China)
机构地区 浙江树人大学
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2008年第7期17-18,共2页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 本体 关系数据库 存储模式 ontolog relational databas storage schem
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