通过对上海轨道交通2号线和8号线采用的SITRAS DPU96和SEPCOS两种直流牵引供电的DDL保护装置功能、动作逻辑与技术参数的分析,阐述了这种反映电流变化趋势的保护原理,以及对于避开电客车起动、制动、惰行等不同工况频繁复杂的电流变化影响和迅速切除近、远端短路故障的效果。
Based on the analysis of function,operation logic and technical pa- rameters of DDL protection equipment with two DC traction power supply SITRAS DPU9 and SEPCOS used in Shanghai Metro,the protection principles reflecting the transformation trends of current is discussed.The avoidance of the influence of frequent and compli- cate current transformation under different operation conditions,such as the starting,brake and idling of electric cars,is elaborated. The effect of quick solving near and remote short circuits is also introduced.
Modern Urban Transit