IM To evaluate the ulcerative colitis model of fetal colon implants in syngenic adult rats. METHODS Implant the fetal colon into renal capsule of syngenic adult rats and observe the histologic changes of the colon and the cytotoxicity index of cardiac blood lymphocytes or colonic mucosal lymphocytes against autologous colonic epithelial cells in experimental rats by the microcytotoxicity method. RESULTS When the fetal colon was successfully implanted under renal capsule in 27 syngenic adult rats, the immunorejection occurred in the implanted fetal colon after 7 days by mucosal inflammation and ulceration. Autoimmune reaction was also observed in the colon of the recipient rats by the increase of lymphoid follicles and infiltration of inflammatory cells. The cytotoxicity index of cardiac blood lymphocytes or colonic mucosal lymphocytes against autologous colonic epithelial cells was 416%±38% or 384%±21% vs 82%±19% or 7%±17% in 27 experimental rats and 15 rats of normal controls (P<001, respectively). CONCLUSION Implantation of fetal colon into the renal capsule of syngenic adult rats can reduce colonic inflammation similar to human ulcerative colitis and the cytotoxicity of lymphocytes against autologous colon may play an important role in cellular immune reaction.
colitis, ulcerative/pathology
disease models, animal
Tlymphocytes, cytotoxic