
两形态类型织纹螺(Nassarius)的鉴定 被引量:5

摘要 在整理广东珠海高栏岛潮下带的螺类样品时,发现两不同形态类型的织纹螺,一类型鉴定为西格织纹螺(Nassarius siquijorensis),另一类型与前者在内唇和外唇形态上存在明显差异但其他特征基本相同。比较了两类型个体的齿舌形态,并对选取的5个个体的COⅠ基因序列进行了研究。结果表明,两类型个体的齿舌形态基本一致,齿列数53—66排,中央齿上缘小齿8—12枚;COⅠ基因序列存在较大的变异,709bp的DNA片段上共有40个位点变异,其中38个变异位点为密码子第三位碱基,个体间的碱基差异在2—35bp之间;贝壳变异与DNA变异不存在关系,同类型的个体在DNA序列上差异较大,不同类型个体的差异却极小;在基于COⅠ基因序列构建的系统树中两类型的个体明显聚为一支。依据5条COⅠ基因核苷酸序列推导的氨基酸残基序列完全相同。齿舌形态和分子生物学证据都证实两种类型的个体同属于西格织纹螺。 Two different shell morphological types were China. The two types are obviously different in inner lip and found in subtidal snail Nassarius in Gaolan Island, Zhuhai, outer lip in morphology, of which one was identified as Nassarius siquijorensis morphologically. Morphology of the radula for the two types and DNA sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit (COⅠ ) gene for five individuals were studied. The radula morphologies of the two types are the same, having 53-66 rows of teeth with the central tooth of multicuspidate with 8-12 cusps. The fragment of COⅠ gene was 709bp in length, of which 40 sites (5.64%) were variable, and 38 sites occurred in the third codon position. The sequence divergence among the individuals varied from 2 to 35 in nucleotides. However, the relationship between morphological similarity and COⅠ gene sequences is loose. The sequence divergence was high among individuals that have similar shell morphology, whereas it was low among morphologically distinct individuals. The nucleotide variations of COⅠ gene resulted in none variation in deduced amino acid sequence. Meanwhile, COⅠ -gene-based phylogenetic trees grouped the two types in the same clade. These results imply that these individuals of distinct shell forms belong to the same species N. siquijorensis.
出处 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期388-394,共7页 Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica
基金 我国近海海洋生物与生态调查研究项目 908-ZC-I-02号 国家海洋局南海分局局长基金 0643号
关键词 织纹螺 齿舌 CO Ⅰ基因 鉴定 Nassarius, Radula, COⅠ gene, Identification
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